Terminator: Dark Fate is an upcoming sequel of The Terminator film and its sequel. Terminator: Dark Fate directed by Tim Miller, screenplay by David S. Goyer, Justin Rhodes and Billy Ray. A story by James Cameron, Charles Eglee, Josh Friedman, Goyer and Rhodes. Terminator: Dark Fate is the sixth sequel added in Terminator franchise. It is the direct sequel of The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgement day, as said by its creator James Cameron.
It is the story which starts 27 years after the events of Terminator 2: Judgment Day. A modified liquid metal Gabriel Luna is taken in the future by Skynet that will help to terminate Dani, a hybrid cyborg human, and her friends. Sarah Connor comes to help them also the original Terminator, to fight for the future where the liquid metal is sent.
The crew of the film is Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor, Arnold Schwarzenegger as Carl, Mackenzie Davis as Grace, Natalia Reyes as Daniella Ramos, Gabriel Luna as Rev-9, Diego Boneta as Miguel, Edward Furlong as John Connor.
The twitter handle of Dark Fate uploaded a video featuring one of the leading members of the Terminator team.
The wait is almost over. #JudgmentDay #TerminatorDarkFate pic.twitter.com/RiLkvcDvIg
— Terminator: Dark Fate (@Terminator) August 30, 2019
The official poster of the film was out yesterday.
Meet your fate. Check out the official poster for #TerminatorDarkFate, in theatres 11.1.19. pic.twitter.com/NmW7tt4n59
— Terminator: Dark Fate (@Terminator) August 30, 2019
The trailer of the Terminator is out, and you can check it on youtube or twitter handle.
Watch the official trailer for #TerminatorDarkFate and 🖤 this Tweet to be the first to see exclusive content before anyone else.
Stay tuned for updates leading to premiere day 11.1. pic.twitter.com/ghht4IxyfQ
— Terminator: Dark Fate (@Terminator) August 30, 2019
Terminator: Dark Fate will get premiered on 1st November 2019.