Grand Blues Dreaming is a manga series. In the year 2014, the manga started serializing. Kenji Inoue writes a meamerizing manga. A total of fifteen independent volumes are published. The manga is also present in a digital copy on Kodansha USA. The anime adaption of the manga started airing from July 14, 2018. It ended in September 29, 2018. Lastly, the action film was set to release on August 7, 2020. It was announced that an anime spinoff would premiere soon. Know the releasing date of Grand Blues Comedy Anime spinoff. Also, dig deeper into the exciting information of the anime.
There is a piece of good news for fans. Some more staff members and visuals of the anime are available now.
Releasing date of Grand Blues Comedy Anime
The official website of the anime announced that the spinoff of an anime is coming. Moreover, this Tuesday they told that Grand Blues Comedy Anime spinoff would premiere in October 8, 2020.
More about Grand Blue dreaming
The director of the anime is Kenshiro Morii. The production and working of the anime is done at DMM.futureworks.
Kikuhito Moji gives the script of the anime. Moreover, he also works in storyboarding. Artist so-shi designs the characters. He can be regarded as chief animation director. None the less, Masanori Yamaguchi is the art designer.
Meanwhile, Tazuku Ozu directs the photography segment. Also, Takatoshi Hamano credited as sound director.
There are many staff members in the anime spinoff. Moreover, all are working day and night for the upcoming Grand Blues Comedy Anime.
This June 16 Kadokawa published the ninth volume of the manga. The cast from previous anime will come back in this spinoff. Not to forget that the first anime with 13 episodes premiered in 2017. The anime season went off since April 2017.
The Grand Blues! website includes comments from the main cast, so we'll go through each of them and translate them for fun.
— Granblue EN (Unofficial) (@granblue_en) September 1, 2020
Where to watch?
The previous season of the anime streamed on Crunchyroll, Anime Strike, and Daisuki. Aniplex of America gives the license to release the anime episodes. Later on the anime episodes started streaming on Funimation. Take a note that Anime Strike and Daisuki service is not available any more.
Moreover, the film can stream on HIDIVE, Funimation, Crunchyroll, ns Anime Lab.
The Zinkenstill arc-based anime made the debut in October 2019. Furthermore, the Deeja chapter of the same aired on March 27. All these arcs and chapters are included in the Grand Blues Fantasy The Animation Season 2 anime. Stay patient till the Grand Blues Comedy Anime spinoff arrives. October 8, 2020, will soon bring a bit of joy in your lives. Stay tuned for more information.
Until next time.