Dragon Ball Super started serializing in the year 2015. The starting years published the Manga in Japanese. However, from the year 2017 the Manga began publishing in English. Since then there have been 63 chapters till the date. Dragon ball has various fans all over the world. No doubt that it can entertain and motivate the readers. Since years there have been a total of 16 independent volumes of the Manga. The chapters of the Manga gets published in Weekly Shonen Jump magazine. Moreover, the digital copies of the Manga are also available. Not to forget that most of the people are reading the Manga in the app. The Manga is monthly; therefore, the new chapters publishes every month. Let us know the release date of Dragon Ball Super Chapter 64.
Release date of Dragon Ball Super Chapter 64
The previous chapter of the Manga got published on August 20, 2020. As the Manga is a monthly, it releases the chapters every month. Also, usually the publish date is 20th of every month. However, this time it is a little different.
The upcoming Dragon Ball Super Chapter 64 will release on September 17, 2020. Note that one day difference in the release of the chapter will be there if your region is different. You can read the manga chapters on various platforms online. Some are given ahead in this article. Read till the end.
In this chapter, you will find Goku educating Merus with life lessons. The fight is not the only thing one must focus on. It is good that Goku has full control over his intuition called Ultra Intuition Power. Beerus and Whis are celebrating because of the same reason.
Moro arrives. He has no idea of Goku’s new abilities. While Moro wants to fight Merus, he tells that Goku will not leave him alive. Listening to this, Moro started laughing. He do not know that the powers of Goku has upgraded.
While everything is going around, Goku gets ready to defeat Moro. Goku activates his Ultra Instinct Potential. He will create a new assault against Moro.
What will happen next? Curious to know right? Then read the newest chapter 64. You would love it.
Where to read?
The manga chapters are available digitally on Shonen manga app, Manga plus app, Crunchyroll, Funimation, and Viz Media. If you have not read this Manga, then start reading it. You will love it.