Dr. Stone is a post-apocalyptic shounen manga written by Riichiro Inagaki. The manga began serializing in 2017 and, due to its rapidly rising popularity, now has its very own anime television series. With an 8.2 rating from IMDb, it is safe to assume that the anime is just as popular as the manga. With season 2 already over, fans cannot wait to know what will happen next. For all the latest information on Dr stone Chapter 195, keep on reading this post!
The Plot
Over 3700 years ago, Humanity witnessed a huge bang, and a flash of light petrified all the humans on earth, turning them into stone. Miraculously, one 15-year-old boy named Senku Ishigami wakes up. After waking up, he sees all of humanity is now lost. However, instead of giving up, he decides to study the petrified humans and find the cure and the cause behind this event.
Similarly, just like Senku, his friend Taiju Okialso also wakes up after 6 months. Both of the friends discover that the cause of their revival was none other than nitric acid. Together with his friend Taiji, Senku begins reviving more people. He revives taiji’s crush Yuzuriha Ogawa and a famous martial artist named Tsukasa Shishiō. Together with all the revived humans, Senku wishes to create a scientific human society. However, not everyone wants things to go back to how they were. Tsukasa wishes to build a society based on power and strength and destroys the petrified humans who do not match his criteria.
Tsukasa’s mania doesn’t stop here. He not only extorts the formula from Senku but also tries to kill him just because Senku had the power to create weapons enough to defeat him. Believing that he has successfully killed Senku, Tsukasa departs to create his own civilization. However, everything isn’t over, and Senku is still alive. Senku is saved by an ancient tribe, and little by little, begin to gain their trust. However, as he tries to create a new civilization Tsukasa, it seems he is hell-bent on destroying it. Will Senku be able to create the world of his dreams? Or will Tsukasa shatter everything he ever worked for?
Dr. Stone Chapter 195 Release Date And Where To Read Online
The last episode of season 2 of Dr. stone ended on 25th March, and since then, fans have been eagerly waiting to know what happens next. Not to worry! Because Chapter 195 is coming very soon. Dr stone Chapter 195 is all set to get released on the 2nd of May 2021. Fans can read the latest chapters on Crunchyroll and that too for absolutely free! Fans can also watch the latest episodes of the show on Crunchyroll, Viz Media, 4anime, and animixplay in HD. The raw scans of the chapter are not available yet but will be soon!
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