Scissor Seven is a Netflix-exclusive Chinese television anime series. In China, it was originally known as Killer 7. It’s the story of seven, a clumsy poor youngster who fails a crash course in professional murdering and disguises himself as a barber. Later, he decides to become an assassin. In terms of both visual design and deadpan comedy, scissor seven delivers something unique. Scissor seven has two seasons on Netflix, and season 3 will be available on Netflix soon, worldwide.
Will Netflix Release Scissor Seven Season 3 This Year?
Scissor Seven has quickly become one of Netflix’s most popular shows. After two successful seasons, it came out that the fans demanded more. As a result, they urged that the series be extended. The fans have been waiting for confirmation on the release date of Season 3 for a long time. And now it has been officially announced that it will be released on Netflix on October 3, 2021, with English subtitles worldwide.
What’s Going To Happen In Season 3?
Scissor seven is exclusively licensed to the streaming giant only. As a result, the renewal is solely based on its local performance in China, which aired in January 2021. Therefore, nobody knows what new adventures Season 3 will bring. Season 3 will, however, introduce a lot of new characters and plot twists. This season, the show will have ten episodes.
What Was Shown In the Trailer Of Scissor Seven Season 3?
In the trailer, a brief overview of previous seasons of Scissor Seven is shown. Seven reconnects with his old self in Season 2’s last episode, Fate. The previous episode ended with seven threatening assassin as he was leaving town. Seven then told him to spread the message that he would return to take the leader’s head, which shocked the fans. More graphics and visuals depicting fights and other adventures are shown in the trailer.