Blue Period is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tsubasa Yamaguchi. Since June 2017, the series has been serialized in Kodansha’s seinen manga magazine Monthly Afternoon. The series has become so popular that an anime adaptation is on the way. With Netflix’s announcement to stream the series every week, even non-Japanese fans will be able to enjoy it alongside Japanese otakus.
When will Netflix Release The Episodes Of Blue Period?
Many people have been awaiting the premiere of the anime series Blue Period since it was first announced. Fans of the manga are especially ecstatic. They will finally be able to witness the moments from the original manga that they know and love animated on their television screens.
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The wait for Blue Period could be over soon. Netflix has acquired global streaming rights and will move out of the country on October 9, 2021. On September 25, the animation got launched on Netflix Japan. Before airing on MBS, TBS, and 26 associated broadcasters on October 1, it will release on Netflix. That, too, is part of the Super Animeism programming block. On October 3, it will air on BS Asahi. On October 7, it will air on AT-X. Since hearing the news, fans have been so excited that those who did not have a Netflix subscription are now getting to watch the anime.
In the Series Blue Period, Yatora Yaguchi is a well-liked student who excels academically. He suffers from inner emptiness and frustrations. Once, he was so impressed by a painting in his high school’s art club that he decided to try his hand at painting one day. Later, he was motivated by a friend named Ryuji. He joined the art club and became more involved. He then applied to Tokyo University of the Arts as his college of choice.
New Trailer Of Blue Period!
The trailer for Blue Period has arrived, featuring an ambitious MC. It was a new PV that was launched with English subtitles. It was taken from the official website of the series and directed by Koji Masunari.
The excitement among fans has grown since the release of the new PV. Therefore, the series is expected to be a major success, just like the manga.